Supporting Documents

FEMA has established certain requirements for the development and implementation of pre-disaster mitigation plans.  One of the elements of a quality plan is for emergency services experts to be able to easily update the data that drives the findings and strategies. 

Stakeholders in this plan are encouraged to submit documentation (maps, datasets, reports) that supports the information provided in the plan.  Users of the plan will be able to search these reference materials from this page.  (See the instructional video below).


(FEMA) Local Mitigation Planning Handbook

The Local Mitigation Planning Handbook is a tool for local governments to use in developing or updating a local hazard mitigation plan.

Davis County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan, 2016

This is the currently-adopted (pre-update) version of the County’s plan.

(GIS data) Farmlands

Farmland of prime, local, unique and statewide importance. Source: NRCS SSURGO

Hazard Mitigation Planning Website (FEMA, 2020)

The Mitigation Planning Program is updating the state and local mitigation planning policies, also known as the Plan Review Guides, to reflect recent legislative changes and policy updates.

Guidelines for Evaluating Surface-Fault-Rupture Hazards in Utah

Utah Geological Survey. (2003). Guidelines for Evaluating Surface-Fault-Rupture Hazards in Utah. Miscellaneous Publication 03-6. Utah Department of Natural Resources.

Utah Natural Hazards Handbook

The Utah Natural Hazards Handbook is a summary of various hazards that exist within Utah. This handbook was developed with the intention of providing information about specific hazardous events that will assist local emergency managers and local government officials in the identification and understanding of hazards that threaten their communities. Source: Utah Division of Homeland Security, 2008.

State of Utah, Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Purpose of the State Hazard Mitigation Plan (SHMP) is to identify natural hazards and their impacts on citizens and infrastructure within the state. The SHMP provides updates on the state’s progress of building resilience through mitigation.

Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: 2019 Report

The Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: 2019 Report represents the most exhaustive benefit-cost analysis of natural hazard mitigation, from adopting up-to-date building codes and exceeding codes to addressing the retrofit of existing buildings and utility and transportation infrastructure.

(GIS data) Hospital/Health Care Facility

Hospital, nursing home, assisted living, home health, outpatient, therapy, hospice, urgent care, clinic, and other facilities. Source: Utah AGRC

(GIS data) Commercial Businesses

AGRC address points joined with county assessor’s data. Unknown data points or points with incomplete value data were deleted. Source: Utah AGRC/Counties

(GIS data) Grazing Allotments

Public land grazing allotments. Source: AGRC

Clinton Agriculture Protection Areas

The Ag Protection Area is in Section 28-3-17 of the Zoning Ordinance (—Reg-to-All-Zones).

Clinton City Impact Fee Facilities Plan

The Clinton City Impact Fee Facilities Plans (IFFP) for Public Safety, Water, Parks & Trails, Sewer, Storm Water and Transportation from

Clinton City General Plan

Clinton General plan available at

Clinton City Parks & Trails Plan

Clinton’s Parks & Trails Plan available at

Fruit Heights CWPP Plan

Fruit Heights City’s 2021 Community Wildfire Preparedness Plan

Fruit Heights City SLEDS Ordinanace

Fruit Heights City’s Sensitive Lands Ordinance

County Incident Response

This is the most current from the County. I believe it was updated in 2017

Syracuse City General Plan

Adopted General Plan of Syracuse City, adopted September 10, 2019. Available at—Text–Map-2019

Syracuse 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan

Syracuse 5-year projects list of road and infrastructure improvements

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